Top 25 weapons for LOW IP SUCCESS in Albion | Complete overview of Mists Meta PART 1

Описание к видео Top 25 weapons for LOW IP SUCCESS in Albion | Complete overview of Mists Meta PART 1

Playing the mists with low IP equipment can be a fun and rewarding experience. Doing this successfully usually requires accepting that you will die A LOT. And that's ok.

To be profitable, most good low IP builds and strategies focus on capitalising on the killing opportunities that they do come across, whether it be against other low players or those juicy higher IP attackers who become a little bit too aggressive and make mistakes.

Having the potential to rat successfully also forms a significant part of long-term profitability for a low IP build. But relying solely on that can be boring which is why being able to handle PvE efficiently during the time when no good fights are available adds a nice cherry on top for consistent profit even as one of the 'small fish' in the sea.

If you want to get better at PvP, you are going to love the 'PvP Academy' playlist. It's full of useful PvP-related lessons and detailed fight breakdowns -    • Albion PvP Academy  

For some more basic level guides and ideas, check out 'Albion Fundamentals' -    • Albion Fundamentals  


0:00 Low tier success factors
1:48 S-tier weapons
5:06 A-tier weapons
10:20 B-tier
21:18 C-tier
32:50 Honorable mentions


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