Frenetic severe floridan thunderstorm - september 11th 2023

Описание к видео Frenetic severe floridan thunderstorm - september 11th 2023

One of the most insane storms i've experienced in Florida, there was 5 VERY close strikes within this video and my legs were shaking after the first 2, Can't say I wasn't spoiled on the first day back on holiday with this beast

first close strike - 2:12
second close strike - 7:37
third close strike 8:37
fourth close strike - 8:55
fifth close strike - 9:52

This storm wasn't the first of its series, earlier on in the early evening we had some nice classical lightning storms when the sun was setting and we believed it was just going to be that, we didn't realise until we turned on the tv and checked the local news station that it was a cluster of severe thunderstorms have formed and was heading in our direction. This video is when the severe thunderstorm hit us.

Also sorry for the loss of quality around the first few mins, my phone must've lost its focus due to the lightning.


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