Kenshi - The Origins of the Hivers

Описание к видео Kenshi - The Origins of the Hivers

BEFORE MY USUAL INTRO - I mention the Hive Praetorians at one point for roughly 10 seconds...they are a modded asset which I didn't realize at the time of recording...however they play no part in any of the video beside the brief 10 second mention and everything else has been verified as factual in terms of lore...i will not remove the bit..but be aware as this minor oversight does NOT affect the contents of the video at all beyond mentioning their name..thank you. enjoy the video....

Hello all…it's been a while and for that I apologize, however, to make up for my recent absence I come to you with the sole purpose of finally discerning one of Kenshi’s greatest mysteries. Today my friends we will be taking a deep dive into forgotten history and exploring the depths of its most historically elusive race. So, allow me to spin you a tale of the falling of an empire, crimes that would make the Geneva convention faint with disgust, and the final attempt for a falling emperor to preserve order and his
control on those who sought to ruin him, and the father who stands to this very day against him. My friends I bring to you the dark and twisted origins of the hivers…

#kenshi #kenshi2 #theory #gametheory


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