The Little Hero, Robert Howe.

Описание к видео The Little Hero, Robert Howe.

This rather lengthy Victorian ballad by Stephen Adams, tells of a transatlantic stowaway, smuggled aboard a ship by his stepfather, who cannot afford to keep him, but wishes him a better life. The harsh mannered first mate, doesn't believe him, thinking one of his softer hearted crew smuggled him aboard. He commands the little boy tell the truth, or be hanged. When the boy's time is up, he askes to pray. Having said his prayers, the first mate hugs & kisses him, for his willingness to put the truth before his life. "I'll believe you for evermore" the gramophone echoes, due to a needle dig, in the final grooves! This 10" record plays for over 5 mins, due to the 'Marathon' record's extended playing time. Played on my 'Marathon' gramophone. Could find no bio on Robert Howe, tho' he must have rivalled Peter Dawson in his time.


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