WET With Rachmita H | K-Experience: Living and Working in South Korea | Hardware Engineer

Описание к видео WET With Rachmita H | K-Experience: Living and Working in South Korea | Hardware Engineer

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabaratuh
🥳 Hello Guys, Welcome To Weekday English Talk (WET) 🥳

This event which is held to provide a new knowledge and spirit to IDN Boarding School Akhwat Students and Society, and this event will be streamed on Youtube and Instagram.
We really apreciate you all to take a part on this event.

The webiner will be organized on :
🗓 Date : Friday, 30 August, 2024
🕢 Time : 16.00 - End
💻 Topic : “K-Experience: Living and Working in South Korea”
🗣 Speaker : Rachmita Hasni H (Hardware Engineer at LG Electronics)
👨🏻‍💻 Host : Queenshafa Rania B (9 Grade Designer)
Maryam Abdillah (9 Grade Programmer)

Live streaming : https://www.youtube.com/live/5WOa27GL_AQ

Come On, Enlarge Your Insight with Join Our Event !!
Thank You and Best Regards


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