Dars E Aqaid | Ep 09 | Creed About The Prophethood (Part 3)

Описание к видео Dars E Aqaid | Ep 09 | Creed About The Prophethood (Part 3)

Join us in episode 9 of "Aqeedah: The Theology of Ahlussunnah" as we delve deeper into the fundamental creeds related to Prophethood. Prof. Muhammad Salman Raza Qadiri Owaisi provides an extended explanation of:

Ilm ul Ghayb (Knowledge of the Unseen) for prophets: its division, limitations, and examples
The difference between Zaati and Ataee Ilm (inherent and acquired knowledge)
Modern-world examples illustrating the distinction between Allah's unlimited knowledge and the limited, Allah-given knowledge of prophets
The literal meaning and translation of the word "Nabi" (prophet) and its implications
The ranks and status of prophets among Awliyah (saints) and angels
The importance of equal respect for all prophets
Refutation of misconceptions and blasphemy spread by social media influencers
Names of prophets mentioned in the Quran and their significance


The nuances of prophetic knowledge and its limitations
The significance of prophets as bearers of divine news and guidance
The Islamic perspective on the relationship between prophets and Awliyah
The importance of respecting and honoring all prophets equally

Prof. Owaisi provides:

In-depth analysis of Quranic verses and Hadith
Commentary from renowned Ulema and scholars
Practical applications of Prophethood creeds in daily life

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May Allah grant us understanding and guidance.


Recommended reading:

"Sharh al-'Aqeedah al-Tahawiyyah" by Ibn Abi al-'Izz

Related videos:

"Aqeedah Episode 8: Creeds about Prophethood (Part 2)" and "The Knowledge of Prophets in Islam"

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