Unboxing the Purism Librem 5 Evergreen

Описание к видео Unboxing the Purism Librem 5 Evergreen

I finally managed to get my hands on this phone yesterday and had to unbox it despite being very tired. (I still am, so apologies for the audio of this video!)

Make sure to read the blog post with more impressions on this:

The red PinePhone back cover at the start of the video is a modified version of the cover by Remotheman (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:454...) and was kindly provided by tencars!

Please tell me below or via Twitter (@linmobblog), Mastodon (@[email protected]) or email ([email protected]) what interests you with regard to the Librem5: Distributions? Use cases? Certain apps? I am really looking forward to your feedback!

Also check out my blog (https://linmob.net) and the App List (https://linmobapps.frama.io)!

Disclosure: I am a co-host on the bi-weekly PineTalk Podcast (https://www.pine64.org/pinetalk​), a PINE64 community podcast. This is pro-bono work and I try my best to make sure that this work does not affect my views on the PINE64 products or competing Linux Phones in any way.


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