Just Enough Research / Erika Hall - UX Salon 2016

Описание к видео Just Enough Research / Erika Hall - UX Salon 2016

Every product, service, or interface we design in the safety and comfort of our workplaces has to survive and thrive in the real world. This means countless strangers will be using our creations in a chaotic environment over which we have no control. Research is the key to grounding ideas in reality and improving the odds of success, but research can be a very scary word. It may sound like money you don’t have, time you can’t spare, and expertise you have to seek.

Erika Hall presents practical, effective, efficient techniques that work within any design and development process to give you invaluable insight into your users and what they need and value. Not only will you reduce the risk of a wrong guess, you’ll also uncover new opportunities for innovation.



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