Scramble RX - another update

Описание к видео Scramble RX - another update

hi guys

After the launch of the Frank N Stein 40th Anniversary collection, I've been able to put a bit more time in to Scramble. Although it may seem that most of the main game features are finished, it still takes a lot of time to add the final touches in such a way as to ensure that they gel and don't disrupt anything.

Since the last update, several things have been added - the mystery score for the bombs, working high scores, game completion and rudimentary beeper sounds which work well, even though they are currently causing more slowdown that I would like. I aimed for them to sound like Scramble, but they sound more like Penetrator, which makes me think perhaps this is the sound you get when trying to make Scramble sounds on a 1-bit beeper. I will be doing full AY sounds as well of course, but due to memory restrictions this is likely to be 128k only, as opposed to 48k machines with an AY chip which I usually try to support.

I was also slowed down considerably by a very intermittent and difficult to spot bug which I finally identified. Lost two days to that thing.

It's now quite easy for me to restart the game from any level, which will need to happen when I add player sprite collision and death.

Not sure if it was in the last one, but I've also added MAC's superb loading screen into the game proper.

Hope you like the update! As always you can support me at:

You can also pre-order the Frank N Stein Collection at



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