New | Study Lofi | Focus & Concentration Music for Studying | Focus View | Chill Beats | Productive🎧

Описание к видео New | Study Lofi | Focus & Concentration Music for Studying | Focus View | Chill Beats | Productive🎧

Immerse yourself in the cozy atmosphere of a rainy day with this calming 1-hour Study Lofi playlist. Featuring mellow beats, chill vibes, and a touch of nostalgia, this music is perfect for boosting your focus, concentration, and productivity. Let the gentle rain and the soothing melodies guide you to a productive study session. 🎧 🧠 📝📚 🎯

✨ Calming and Relaxing
✨ No Distracting Lyrics
✨ Focus-Inducing Rhythms
✨ Writing & Creativity
✨ Relaxation & Sleep

⏳ Pomodoro Technique: It is a time management method that uses a timer to break work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break.

Here are the steps:
1. Choose a task.
2. Set a timer for 25 minutes (one Pomodoro).
3. Work on the task with full concentration.
4. Take a 5-minute break after each Pomodoro.
5. After completing four Pomodoros, take a longer break of 15-30 minutes.

1 小时学习 Lofi 播放列表:专注、放松、学习!
沉浸在雨天舒适的氛围中,享受这个舒缓的 1 小时学习 Lofi 播放列表。 以轻柔的节拍、轻松的氛围和一丝怀旧感,这首音乐非常适合提高你的专注力、集中力和工作效率。 让温柔的雨声和舒缓的旋律引导你进入高效的学习状态。🎧 🧠 📝📚 🎯

⏳ 番茄工作法 (Fānqié Gōngzuò Fǎ) 是一种时间管理技巧,可以帮助你提高工作效率和专注力。它由意大利人弗朗西斯科・西里洛 (Francesco Cirillo) 在 1980 年代发明,并以他用来计时的小番茄形厨房计时器命名。

1. 选择一项任务: 选择你想要完成的任务。
2. 设定 25 分钟计时器: 使用计时器或手机设置 25 分钟的计时时间。
3. 专注工作: 在计时器响铃之前,集中精力完成你的任务。
4. 休息 5 分钟: 计时器响铃后,休息 5 分钟,可以站起来走动、喝水或做一些放松的事情。
5. 每完成 4 个番茄工作法,休息 20-30 分钟: 每完成 4 个 25 分钟的工作时间,休息 20-30 分钟,可以进行更长时间的放松或进行其他活动。


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