Ring Pommels Revisited ENG sub

Описание к видео Ring Pommels Revisited ENG sub

In this video, I respond to viewers comments and talk about ring pommels on chinese swords. I discuss both the origin and usage of ring pommels. After more extensive research, I argue that ring pommels likely come from beast head pommels of the Karasuk culture. Additionally, I claim that ring pommels have no particular use but should instead be viewed as a useful type of pommel which can adapt to suit the needs of people from various times and places.

0:00 Introduction 序言
1:22 Origins of the ring pommel 環首之來源
2:29 The uses of the ring pommel 環首之用法
5:44 Conclusion 總論

Di Cosmo, Nicola. Ancient China and It’s Enemies: The Rise of Nomadic Power in East Asian History. Cambridge University Press, 2002.

龚剑. 中国刀剑史. 中华书局, 2021.

皇甫江. 刀剑鉴定. 福建美术出版社, 2011.


何艳杰. 东迁白狄货币——尖首刀币研究. 中国钱币168期 (2021): 16-23.

李明华. 商朝时期中国北方与南西伯利亚地区青铜刀比较. 赤峰院学报5期 (2010): 11-16.

薄树人. 辽宁抚顺市发现殷代青铜环首刀. 考古2期 (1981): 190.

Tang, S.C. Ordos Daggers. Dr Tang Shun Cheung, 2010. http://www.t2studio.com.hk/proof/ordo...


Dadao = https://www.sohu.com/a/458598465_1210...

Beast-head Pommel = https://sunnews.cc/zh-mo/sports/91231...

Karasuk Culture = https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A...

Early Ring Pommel Dao = https://openmuseum.tw/muse/digi_objec...

Knife-coins = https://www.sohu.com/a/243043322_1000...

Fancy Ring Pommel = https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%92%...

Xiao Dao = https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/20031902

Han Dynasty Soldier = https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Society_a...

Han Dynasty Cavalry = http://news.sohu.com/20060517/n243268...

Hidden Hilt Ring Pommel = https://lkchensword.com/dragon-sparrow

Dadao Statue = https://huacheng.gz-

Soldier with Dadao image =   / 1015426479268610048  

Title Page = http://www.t2studio.com.hk/proof/ordo...


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