Are fried potato chips really that bad - it's all about understanding portion and data

Описание к видео Are fried potato chips really that bad - it's all about understanding portion and data

Data Doesn't Lie, But It Can Mislead: The Case of Potato Nutrition 🥔

Recently, I came across a viral video of a health influencer comparing boiled potatoes with French fries and chips, all based on 100g portions. While the data used is factually correct, this comparison is misleading!
For over 100 years, nutrition databases have standardized data for 100g portions. But who eats 100g of ketchup or chips? What really matters is portion size, which provides context to help consumers make informed choices, not decisions based on fear.

For instance, a standard serving size of:
Boiled potatoes: ~150g
French fries: ~70g
Chips: ~32g

This more realistic approach allows consumers to make better, informed decisions rather than fear-driven ones.
Let's keep food simple and focus on informed choices, not data confusion! 💡
#nutrition #digitalhealth #frenchfries #chips #potato #calories #caloriedeficit

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