吃剩飯、睡大街,出獄九年我活成了「人下人」 I've been out for nine years and I've become an "underling".

Описание к видео 吃剩飯、睡大街,出獄九年我活成了「人下人」 I've been out for nine years and I've become an "underling".

After being released from prison, he slept on the street, picked up leftover food, looking for a job within a year was dismissed more than ten times, there is no unit willing to accept ......9 years ago, a crime, let him affixed to the label can never be torn off, the price of crime is really how high? The 702nd respondent, "Humanity is worth it", said: "My face is exposed in front of the media, and my future survival is a problem. But he still wants to tell the story to give the world a warning.
The Dilemma of New Urban Youth - "Gears of Fate" Series
Respondent 702, Worthwhile in the world, Freelance work


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