Right to Naivety | Pavel Vrzhesch | TEDxKSE

Описание к видео Right to Naivety | Pavel Vrzhesch | TEDxKSE

Про наївність і експертність людей. Павло розказав, чому важливо залишатися наївним в цьому світі і як це допомагає бути креативити.

Павло Вржещ – співзасновник та креативний директор banda.agency. Роботи агентства отримували нагороди “Каннського лева” і Red Dot Award. Завдяки його команді, Україна отримала сучасний бренд Ukraine Now.


About the naivety and expertness of people. Pavlo told why it's important to remain naive in this world and how it helps to be creative.

Pavlo Vrzhech is a co-founder and creative director of the banda.agency. The agency's work received the Cannes Lions and the Red Dot Award. Thanks to his team, Ukraine has received the modern brand "Ukraine Now". Co-founder and creative director of the agency Banda. The works of this agency were awarded with Cannes lion and Red Dot Award. Thanks to his team, Ukraine now has a modern brand “Ukraine Now”. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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