Spring Tips: Spring's Application Event Subsystem

Описание к видео Spring Tips: Spring's Application Event Subsystem

Happy new year! 2023 is in the rearview mirror and it's the beginning of a new year. This is a big event, a chance to celebrate and reflect and reset. And you know what? It got me thinking about just how important events are. In this episode we're going to look at Spring's robust support for `ApplicationEvent`s, which makes it easy to decouple components in the system, and we'll see how this mechanism has evolved from its humble beginnings in the earliest versions of Spring Framework to its incarnation in Spring Modulith, which gives it super powers. #SpringBoot #SpringFramework #Java #Kotlin #graalvm #architecture

Also: I scheduled this video to go out at midnight in the UTC+14 time zone, the most advanced time zone on the planet and the first one to greet the new year. We're wishing you peace, love, and laughter in the New Year 2024!


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