p73 Irregular Adjectives

Описание к видео p73 Irregular Adjectives

Download the free accompanying WORKBOOK pdf from https://www.FrenchVerbsMadeEasy.wordp...

Having trouble getting your head round FRENCH VERBS? They aren’t as difficult as you may think.

This brightly coloured book, with its accompanying set of YouTube videos, is designed to be the perfect desk companion for any teacher of French, or beginner, KS3 or GCSE student. The whole French verb system is boiled down to its simplest components, to make it as easy as possible to understand and memorise. The basic philosophy is to explain in visual terms what happens to individual verbs or groups of verbs, as a teacher would explain it. Recurring patterns are made crystal-clear. The stems of verbs are carefully lined up so that you can easily follow the changes that occur. Different colours immediately highlight patterns. Tricky irregularities and important variations are marked in a range of colours, bold type, italics, capital letters and underlining. You can quickly see the main groups of verbs and you will learn how easy it is to form different tenses and when to use them. The rationale behind this method of setting out verbs was born of the author’s six decades of experience teaching French in school classrooms and in one-to-one tutoring.

NEW to this 3rd edition (2021) is the "Plus" section - over 50 pages of GRAMMAR TIPS, using the same range of visually clear colour-coding/lining-up etc. techniques as the Verbs section. This is not a comprehensive outline of French Grammar - standard text books provide that. This section is intended to clarify points of grammar and vocabulary which are commonly misunderstood. Examples contain a range of useful everyday vocabulary.
Also separately available - available as a paperback or a freely downloadable pdf - is a new Workbook (2021) which contains 219 practice sentences designed to help you master the verbs laid out in this book.


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