The Weaver - Sam Goates

Описание к видео The Weaver - Sam Goates

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The Second of our short documentaries, something we hope we can build into a long and meaningful series.

We focus on those who make, the sacrifices they have made and the things they have learnt and what they want to pass on with their craft.

Sam Coates is a Weaver based in Buckie on the Murray firth in Scotland. After years of study in textile she found herself in Sydney, Australia for many years before moving back home and getting her hands on some old classic treadle looms and building Woven in the bone

Subject: Same Goates

Produced by: We Are Makers
Producers: Kate and Jack Lennie
DOP/ Cinematography: Danny Bonnar
Photography: Jack Margerison

All of this is only possible because of the amazing support we receive from our paying customers, in particular our subscribers.

Having subscribers to our quarterly publication allows us to budget and plan to see more makers and tell their stories to you in a variety of different ways.

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Here is my ask... If you have enjoyed an Edition of We Are Makers, our free podcast, or this documentary Please consider subscribing. It will cost you a whopping £0.00 until 1st August our next release date, where you will be charged £14.40 (10% off of retail) + you get free shipping, + you get to lock in your price forever (which is pretty significant with the rises in paper and print costs over the years.)

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