The Dangerous Side of Costa Rica - 5 Dangers To Watch Out For When In Costa Rica - Travel & Living

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Costa Rica can be dangerous. Check out the 5 dangers to watch out for when in Costa Rica. If you are interested in learning how I make a living here in Costa Rica click this link ➡️ and watch the video to follow me in my footsteps and create a freedom lifestyle.

I am a Dutch expat and I have been living in Costa Rica for 17 years. I always like to share my experiences of Costa Rica Living with you. The pro's about Costa Rica Living and the cons of living in Costa Rica.

If you want to keep up to date on Costa Rica Travel requirements, Costa Rica Travel and living in Costa rica. make sure to subscribe to this channel and click the little bell icon so you don't miss out on any of my upcoming videos related to Costa Rica Living, Costa Rica Travel, and best restaurants in Costa Rica
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If you have any questions about Living in Costa Rica or Traveling to Costa Rica, feel free to leave a comment below.

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Thanks for watching: The Dangerous Side of Costa Rica - 5 Dangers To Watch Out For When In Costa Rica - Travel & Living    • The Dangerous Side of Costa Rica - 5 ...  

Is Costa Rica dangerous?

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