Franco Corelli: Sensitive singing

Описание к видео Franco Corelli: Sensitive singing

Francisco Araiza, another wonderful singer, was one of Corelli's many admirers. In an interview with Stefan Zucker he took note of the classification Corelli once gave himself, tenore di forza. To use Mr. Araiza's exact words, "The natural way of emission of such a voice is full emission. This kind of voice has a more restricted amount of piano tones than a lyrical tenor voice has. So I think that the approach of Corelli, the way that he did it was the optimum for his voice."

I don't think Corelli's delicate moments can be mentioned enough. Of all the appeals of his artistry the fact that such chillingly beautiful moments co-exist within such a large and exciting voice is what compels me most. Here you will hear Corelli singing arias from his lyric roles, as well as lyric passages within the spinto repertoire. Singing pianissimo, as well as finishing his trademark forte high notes with diminuendi, overall careful attention to the musical dynamics, chiaroscuro and simply good old-fashioned soulful singing. In my opinion he was the ideal romantic temperament in opera.

Not all of the music is from my personal collection, there are some wonderful selections in here that other users have uploaded, Ditogam, Racheleleeba, MushashiTzu and Msgardenrose.


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