Rhinoplasty Recovery

Описание к видео Rhinoplasty Recovery

What should you expect, and how long do you need to plan in St Louis?

Watch and learn!

#plasticsurgery #rhinoplastyreveal #rhinoplastytestimonial #polygonconcept #polygonconcepttip #tip #doublechin #chinimplant #CO2laser #bulboustip #liposuction #rhinoplasty #tiprhinoplasty #crookednose #lipfiller #liplift #deepnecklift #deepplanefacelift #preservationrhinoplasty


📸 I offer price range quotes only after complimentary, private photo screening. Please follow all steps below!

📩 DM me pics or text to 314-991-5438 (more secure, preferred!)

🔑 Include your age, accurate height/weight, and what you want to improve

☎️ Include your name, email, and text # (our emails sometimes land in spam, so we’ll text you to alert you it was sent).

✈️ If you will be traveling in, please let us know so we can give you travel info

✅ I will review personally, and my staff will send you complete information, including travel/recovery info and price range!


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