3/5 EX SC Selene & Scizor solo 5 Legendary Arenas - Pokémon Masters EX

Описание к видео 3/5 EX SC Selene & Scizor solo 5 Legendary Arenas - Pokémon Masters EX

Should have uploaded this earlier oop. So at 3/5 EX SC Selene gets Steel Zone extension, Status/Interference Immunity and some decent nuking power. Only reasons I didn't do Cobalion is it requires 4 Steel Wish MPR and Regirock was done by someone else. Strike isn't a bad EX Role but she could have gotten Support or even Sprint instead. If she were a Tech with Field EX that'd have been crazy.

0:00 Latias
4:55 Latias Grid
5:16 Cresselia
9:55 Cresselia Grid
10:21 Azelf
14:10 Azelf Grid
14:36 Moltres
18:52 Moltres Grid
19:30 Uxie
25:10 Uxie Grid

Pretty easy, dare I say overkill with the extra energy. Kill Latias' sides (Alakazam first) and it should mostly just be a Latias smacking session, her B-Move doesn't have to deal with the accuracy drop/evasion gimmick and Defence Crush 9 handles the stat drop gimmick with no effort. At least avoid the Sure Crit Dragon Pulse and Stored Power. Only thing you need to reset for is 1 Steel Wish MPR. Mind Games 2 LS works as well once the Costume Event has ended and Discombobulate 4 isn't available.

(+4 energy)

One of the few times where Cresselia isn't the biggest annoyance! Well ok the only thing you need to do is make sure it's flinching and to not get hit with nat crits or a strong Special move. Also 2 Steel Wish MPRs ideal and make sure you have Steel Zone up in case Cresselia is about to use Thunder Wave or Toxic otherwise the run dies. In terms of Cress solos, this is relatively easy.

(+4 energy)

The start of this one can be reset heavy but once you get past the Flamethrowers it's not too bad, once you get your unlimited B-Moves it's just a matter of permaflinch. I'd use Wise Entry 2 over Fire Guard, don't get many early Special Defence drops, easier said then done. 1 Steel Wish MPR at most Azelf is squishy. You want the extra energy for the nuke.

(+4 energy, same grid as Cresselia but Wise Entry 2)

Painful; you need to play this one super well, Skill Gears are required to live beyond 1st Moltres Sync and she can barely take most hits after. This clear uses Quaggles method of Unbending LS which does not activate the animation for Team Offence Defence 9, allowing us to flinch-chain Moltres when it wouldn't otherwise be possible. You will have to tank Moltres's attacks just to use Steel Wish and Sync, depending on when it's about to end I'd want to tank it's Steel Wings and Air Slashes and I didn't do that here which made it scarier. I could have lost this run pre-maturely due to having to take that Fire Blast and a potential Sync non-crit. 2 MPRs required.

(+6 energy)

I'll have you know this sucks to play. Flinch-chainer becomes dollar store evasion soloist, this requires her event Discombobulate 4 Lucky Skill so this won't be possible in the future without it. We need to save Bullet Punch for skipping Bar 2, so Bar 1 is suffering with Metal Claw and hoping for dodges for 4 entire minutes. Freezes, Nat crits and Iron Tail hits easily ruin runs. I got very lucky here and still won despite Power-up punch landing, ideally you should reset if it does but I had no time last night. Not to mention the 2 Steel Wish MPRs. Moltres requires more skill, while this is just resetting for the right RNG. Shoutouts to Bar 3 for having fake Accuracy drops, I almost lost it after 3 hours of trying at 4 am lasty night. Lastly this is probably possible at +4 energy, I didn't want to do that this is annoying enough as is with both Haymaker and Metalic Surge.

(+4 energy)


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