Просьба о любви: Нарцисс к Мухаммеду, чтобы он не вернулся

Описание к видео Просьба о любви: Нарцисс к Мухаммеду, чтобы он не вернулся

Narjes is a young and energetic woman who lives in a rented house with her three little daughters, Mina, Ghazal and Danya. Donya has just been born and still feels safe in her mother's arms. Mina and Ghazal, two older sisters, fill the house with joy with their childish games and mischief. Today, Narjes has decided to go to her ex-fiancé's house, Mohammad, to get the baby's belongings left there. This decision is a little difficult for him; Because his relationship with Muhammad is not going well due to the problems that have arisen. When Narjes arrives at Muhammad's house, Muhammad's mother quarrels with him and is very unhappy with his presence and his request to accompany Muhammad. This fight makes Narjes feel insecure and pressured. Narjes begs Muhammad that he asked him not to come with him and not to cause trouble. He knows that if Muhammad is present in this situation, tensions may increase and the situation may become more complicated. Narjes thinks about the future of his daughters and does not want them to witness bigger problems and tensions. In this situation, Narjes tries to make the best decision for himself and his children and avoid any tension and conflict. She wants to bring peace back to her home and create a safe and loving environment for her daughters.

#mothering_life #mothers_challenges #little_girls #complicated_relationship #family_peace #lonely_mother #love_breaks #strive_for_the_best #loving_family #strong_mothers


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