Guy Goma - The Wrong Guy: BBC News May 2006

Описание к видео Guy Goma - The Wrong Guy: BBC News May 2006

One of the most memorable live television moments of all time. In May 2006, Goma was accidentally interviewed live on BBC News 24, in place of a technology expert, Guy Kewney, who was scheduled to discuss a high-profile court case. The mix-up made for compelling viewing, as Goma, a Congolese business studies graduate, was quizzed about the court case and the music download service, Apple's iTunes by BBC Business presenter Karen Bowerman.

The interview soon went viral, and Goma became an overnight sensation, with people from all over the world talking about his composure during the unexpected on-air appearance. Goma had arrived at the BBC for a job interview, and while waiting in the reception area, was mistaken for Guy Kewney, who was due to appear on the news program that day. Despite being surprised and initially confused, Goma gamely answered the interviewer's questions, and his calm demeanor under pressure won over viewers.

The incident brought Goma instant fame, and he was subsequently invited to appear on a range of television shows and interviews, including The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. The story of Guy Goma is a reminder that sometimes, unexpected events can lead to extraordinary opportunities, and that keeping one's composure in the face of adversity can be a valuable asset.

from BBC News 24 - Copyright BBC. Not for TX. Training purposes only.


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