Doepfer A-126-2 Frequency Shifter and Trautonium

Описание к видео Doepfer A-126-2 Frequency Shifter and Trautonium

First try out of the new A-126-2 Frequency Shifter on the output of my ribbon controlled Trautonium. Signal route in to A-138n mixer is A-111 VCO2 sine output, A110 sawtooth, A110 square wave to A-163 VDIV frequency divider and A-118 white noise. Output of A-138n goes to A-104 Trautonium Formant Filter and from that to A-131 VCA controlled by pressure CV from A-198 Trautonium Ribbon Controller. The A-126-2 audio in comes from the VCA and the output goes to mixer with reverb and delays. Random CV from A-118 is occasionally added to control the pitch of the A126-2 oscillator.


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