Welcome to my Rabbitry

Описание к видео Welcome to my Rabbitry

Well after 3 years I have decided I really enjoy working with my rabbits. Though they are meat rabbits I try to give them the best life possible and treat them humanly.

I first started with 4 cages, 2 does and 1 buck, all Black New Zealands. I had never tasted rabbit meat before but after much research I realized that they could be the answer to helping me heal my body, and so my rabbitry began.

Three years later I have expanded to 8 does and 3 bucks. Though I'd like to keep them all I know I cannot. Now is the time to start replenishing my stock, the only way I know to wisely do that is to wait and see what the new will do. Hope I have some good replacements.

With all these new rabbits I needed more room. Well my hubby and I decided to take a carport and turn it into my new extension rabbitry. Here I'll have a place to work the rabbits out of the sun and rain. The rabbits (does) have nice big 36x30 cages for them and their kits. I'm really excited to have a great place for me and them!!

The carport is 12x20. To keep the sun and rain from coming in on the ends we are are to enclose the ends with solar screens and make an entrance door. For winter I'll have a roll down tarp, or that's the plan.

Well enough talk, come on and see the beginning of a new adventure :)


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