A pirate captain, a elite human, and a newborn baby suffer in heaven.

Описание к видео A pirate captain, a elite human, and a newborn baby suffer in heaven.

I would have tried to match the original subtitle gradiant + animations but that would take too long.
Watching back, there's A LOT of errors/parts that I thought I translated but didn't, so forgive me on that. 🙇‍♂️ I hope you will still enjoy watching though.
Houshou Marine:
   / @houshoumarine  
  / houshoumarine  
Sakura Miko:
   / @sakuramiko  
  / sakuramiko35  
Himemori Luna:
   / @himemoriluna  
  / himemoriluna  
Momosuzu Nene:
   / @momosuzunene  
  / momosuzunene  

BUY THE GOODS (Canvas Art, Houshou Pirates Pirate flag, Necktie Pin):

Archive:    • 【#マリン船長の番組】2周年記念に地獄企画いくつかやりました【ホロライブ/...  

#ホロライブ #マリン船長の番組 #宝鐘マリン #さくらみこ #姫森ルーナ #桃鈴ねね #Hololive #Vtuber

Twittar:   / mifuyu329  
Sorry if translation is awkward/wrong. Let me know if it is incorrect. My english/japanese is not good. I just felt like translating for some reason and I went for it.


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