多角度近距离直击:解放军新型155毫米自行加榴炮强悍火力:一炮炸平足球场,数百米内寸草不生,一轮齐射报销一个团,精确制导无坚不摧/PLA 155mm plus howitzer

Описание к видео 多角度近距离直击:解放军新型155毫米自行加榴炮强悍火力:一炮炸平足球场,数百米内寸草不生,一轮齐射报销一个团,精确制导无坚不摧/PLA 155mm plus howitzer

In the equipment sequence of the People's Liberation Army Army Artillery, the 155mm self-propelled howitzer occupies the core position. It not only has a long range and is powerful, but its powerful tracked chassis allows it to adapt to the complex and diverse terrain on our vast land. With the support of information technology, it can accurately deliver artillery shells to the target in the first time.
多角度近距离直击:解放军新型155毫米自行加榴炮强悍火力:一炮炸平足球场,数百米内寸草不生,一轮齐射报销一个团,精确制导无坚不摧/PLA 155mm plus howitzer


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