what is SCADA ?

Описание к видео what is SCADA ?


Welcome to another Training session, in today’s session we will learn what is SCADA?
We will try to keep the things as simple as possible and try to explain each component under SCADA in simplest words, to make this session very interesting and engaging with the help of animation
The abbreviation SCADA stands for
“Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition”
 SCADA is the process by which real time data is gathered from the field sensors or instruments installed on remote locations.
 SCADA system stores this data coming from the field sensors and analyze this data to make critical decisions and send instructions to control the process.
 SCADA generally refers to a combination of industrial computer system and industrial programmable controllers that monitors and controls a process.
So SCADA system basically, collects the data from the instruments, send it to the Central Control station and SCADA Components Will Analyze this Data and send control commands to the Process and displays real time status and trends On the Operator HMI screens.
LET’S see now the block diagram for the SCADA system to understand how does a SCADA System works, how does it is gathering and transferring information from the instruments to the central control site.


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