Treat Limerence as a Catalyst (psychoanalytic + research paper review)

Описание к видео Treat Limerence as a Catalyst (psychoanalytic + research paper review)

I delve into the complex phenomenon of limerence, exploring the most common stages and themes, psychological implications, and its role in personal growth from a research paper (link below). I discuss how the state of limerence is often confused with “true love.” I challenge that it can serve as a catalyst for self-healing and authenticity. I highlight the emotional turmoil associated with limerence, the importance of understanding the roots, and the philosophical underpinnings of love as a life force, drawing on freudian concepts and theories (repetition compulsion, wish fulfillment, ego-libido/object-libido, eros and thantos, etc.).


00:00 - Trailer
00:54 - My Thesis
01:38 - Introduction and Disclaimer
03:05 - Theoretical frameworks
04:37 - Psychological Implications of Limerence
06:24 - Research Paper + Set up + Limitations
07:30 - Trajectory Model + Limerence Themes
07:58 - 1, 2, 3 Themes of Limerence
09:04 - SKIP RESEARCH SECTION HERE Focus on theme 4 & 5
10:38 - THEME 4: Reintegration of past life(s) experiences
13:03 - Repetition Compulsion
15:44 - THEME 5: Towards Authenticity
20:19 - Psychobabbling (object relations, eros/thanatos, sexual repression, narcissism, life forces, etc.)
26:45 - Closing thoughts

Research links:
1. Exploring the Live Experience of Limerence a Journey Toward Authenticity-
2. Ego-libido/Object-Libido-
3. Eros/Thanatos-

#limerence #freud #psychology #psychodynamic #codependency #healing #selfhealing #personaddiction #npd #childhoodtrauma #mentalhealth #cptsd #breakup #relationshiptherapy
#bpd #favoriteperson #psychoanalysis #attachmenttheory


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