How to Needle Felt: The ZulliTool Wool Wonder Wand by Sarafina Fiber Art

Описание к видео How to Needle Felt: The ZulliTool Wool Wonder Wand by Sarafina Fiber Art

From Sara Renzulli, the inventor of the ZulliTool: "One of the things that I love about needle felting is the endless possibilities, not just in what you can make, but in what wool is capable of and innovating techniques and methods. The ZulliTool came to be while I was wrapping a skewer and thought "If there were a wooden tool of a different size, I could make different useful shapes easily." From there, I developed a size and shape that gave me the most possibilities for my work and I am still finding more ways to use it."

The tool is hand crafted by one woodworker whom I met in the Adirondacks in New York. He is carving Cherry wood and finishing with several coats of boiled linseed oil for a smooth finish so it is a joy to handle and wool slides off easily. Each one is unique.

For your ZulliTool and other needle felting supplies, along with a complete list of needle felting tutorials, visit


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