【山林蟲坊】長頸鹿鋸鍬形蟲投產及開產房 | Prosopocoilus giraffa keisukei: The Reproduction & Checking the Laying Boxes

Описание к видео 【山林蟲坊】長頸鹿鋸鍬形蟲投產及開產房 | Prosopocoilus giraffa keisukei: The Reproduction & Checking the Laying Boxes

長頸鹿鋸鍬形蟲敬典亞種(K亞種)是世界最大的鍬形蟲,目前的bekuwa紀錄是122.0mm (2022年版),體型相當驚人哦!然而牠雖然具有超大的體型,卻是一種超級好生好養的鍬形蟲,只要產房佈置與飼養方式正確,爆產和養出破百個體都不在話下。飼養的方式之前聊過了, 今天就來看看投產與挖幼蟲吧!
Prosopocoilus giraffa keisukei is the world's largest stag beetle. The current record for its size is 122.0mm (2022 version), and its size is truly astonishing! Despite its large size, it is an incredibly easy-to-care-for stag beetle. With the correct habitat setup and care methods, it's not difficult to achieve a prolific breeding and rear over 100mm in size. We've discussed the care methods before, so today, let's take a look at the breeding and larva excavation process.

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#山林蟲坊 #長頸鹿鋸鍬形蟲 #甲蟲 #飼育 #鍬形蟲 #幼蟲 #繁殖 #投產
#甲虫 #クワガタムシ #ギラファノコギリクワガタ #ギラファ
#mfbeetles #Prosopocoilusgiraffa #Prosopocoilus #giraffa #keisukei #beetle #breeding #stagbeetle #larva #reproduction


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