Ansambl LADO - godišnji koncert Pokraj vode Drave_2. dio

Описание к видео Ansambl LADO - godišnji koncert Pokraj vode Drave_2. dio

Snimka drugog dijela koncerta izvedenog 23. studenoga 2016. godine u KD Vatroslava Lisinskog.

Povodom desete obljetnice smrti dr. sc. Ivana Ivančana, Ansambl LADO ovim programom daje počast svom dugogodišnjem direktoru i umjetničkom voditelju.
Dr. sc. Ivan Ivančan, uz profesora Zvonimira Ljevakovića, pripada ikonama scenske primjene folklora u Hrvatskoj, te samim time i Ansambla LADO, kao jedan od najzastupljenijih i najplodnijih autora. Uz svekoliki umjetnički aspekt, nemoguće je ne spomenuti i njegovu impresivnu znanstvenu karijeru u kojoj je objavio dvadeset knjiga s područja tradicijske kulture, kao i izniman broj znanstvenih i stručnih radova.
Uz koreografije koje se već dugi niz godina nalaze na Ladovu repertoaru, ovom će se prigodom predstaviti i tri nove koreografije – Ej, grišće plandovišće – pjesme i plesovi iz Slavonije, Kad te moji svatovi probude – fragment baranjskog svadbenog običaja, Ženina volja – pjesme i plesovi iz Posavine
U glazbenom dijelu programa, pozornost će se posvetiti glazbenim ikonama Ansambla LADO: Emilu Cossettu, Boži Potočniku i Marijanu Makaru.

2016 was the tenth anniversary of the passing away of Ivan Ivančan PhD, and through this programme the LADO Ensemble is paying tribute to its long-time general manager and artistic director.
Ivan Ivančan, together with Professor Zvonimir Ljevaković, certainly is an icon of the methodology of presenting folklore on stage as developed in Croatia, and as such mounted many of his choreographies for LADO, Croatia’s only professional folklore ensemble, which is considered one of the five best of its kind in the world. In addition to his abundant artistic and choreographic opus, it is imperative to mention his impressive academic career during which he published twenty books on traditional culture, as well as numerous articles in the field.
Alongside the choreographies which have been on LADO’s repertoire for decades, this season LADO is presenting choreographies by Ivan Ivančan, performed by LADO for the first time. These are: Ej, grišće plandovišće – Songs and Dances from Slavonia (premiere), When My Wedding Procession Wakes You Up – A Selection of Wedding Traditions from Baranja (premiere) and A Woman’s Will – Songs and Dances from the Posavina Region (premiere).
The musical element of the repertoire pays homage to the icons of music who have worked with LADO, and they are: Emil Cossetto, Božo Potočnik and Marijan Makar.



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