Against the Odds: Maralen and Friends (Modern)

Описание к видео Against the Odds: Maralen and Friends (Modern)

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Last week, we had an all-legendary Against the Odds poll in celebration of the main theme of Dominaria, and in the end, it was Maralen of the Mornsong coming out on top. As such, we are heading to Modern this week to see if we can figure out a way to abuse the three-drop that eliminates all card drawing but lets each player tutor for a card of their choice once a turn! The biggest challenge of building around Maralen of the Mornsong is that you can't simply play it during your main phase like most creatures because if the opponent gets to tutor first, the best outcome is that they tutor up something to kill Maralen, while they worst case is that they tutor up a game-winning combo piece and kill us immediately. How can we go about fixing this problem, and assuming we get a Maralen of the Mornsong or two on the battlefield, what is the best way of abusing her power? Let's get to the video and find out!

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