Vision Zero: Safer Streets for Auckland - Full Video

Описание к видео Vision Zero: Safer Streets for Auckland - Full Video

World renowned road safety strategist Matts-Åke Belin advises the mayor of New York, the UN and the US government on Vision Zero.
Vision Zero is an approach to road safety that can be summarised in one sentence: no loss of life on the roads is acceptable. It began in Sweden and has grown into a global movement. Well known Vision Zero cities include New York, London, Toronto, Seattle and Portland.

Along with growth and congestion, Auckland is facing a growing road safety challenge, with road deaths and serious injuries climbing significantly faster than population growth. Road deaths and serious injuries cost an estimated $1.3 billion a year in social costs, which is also the estimated economic cost of congestion each year.

Is there a way through to create safe, more productive roads at the same time?

Dr Belin will explore why Vision Zero works and what Vision Zero in Auckland could look like. He will share proven road design and engineering solutions that make roads safer and more productive.


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