3.4 Red Nucleus Snowy Side Mission Quest -Search for Immortals- unlock 4 buildings Tower of Fantasy

Описание к видео 3.4 Red Nucleus Snowy Side Mission Quest -Search for Immortals- unlock 4 buildings Tower of Fantasy

0:00 Secret Grotto Statue
1:18 Talk to Tong Chao Feng
1:58 Touch the Big Blue Stone (Compass: Broken Hand)
2:51 Climb up Bell Tower (Compass Shard III)
4:22 Exquisite Taste Bistro - Yi Hu (Compass Shard II)
7:25 Planar Loft (Compass Shard I)
8:10 Subtle Enlightenment Tower (Compass Shard IV)
8:42 Manifestation Pavilion (Compass Shard V)
9:59 Follow the mission point, Go back to the Big Blue Stone
10:17 Talk Tong Chao Feng
10:32 Talk to Xuan CangZi
10:55 Find Xuan Cangzi at the Pass of Ao
11:13 Go to the nearby camp
11:27 Talk to the Domain Guard
11:48 Meet up with Xuan Cangzi
13:34 Investigate the bottom area
12:54 Install compass on the stone statue
13:10 Activate the other chimes
14:10 Follow Xuan Cangzi
14:22 Look around
14:28 Talk to Xuan Cangzi
15:10 Go to the first room for investigation
15:25 Go to the second room for investigation
15:45 Talk to Xuan Cangzi
17:05 Rewards

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The values ​​in this video are for the testing version only.
Please refer to the final release version for the official values.

BGM: Oneul -    • 햅-삐 홀리데이! (Holiday) | 귀여운음악, 크리스마스브금,...  

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