♥ So you see, this is ; Jemi (:

Описание к видео ♥ So you see, this is ; Jemi (:


Here are some clips i put together of Jemi, please watch it all; it's SO cute (:
Plus, if you don't understand at some point what's going on here;
0:09-0:14 : Joe uses his pick up line on Demi.
0:17-0:20 : Joe and Demi Camp Rock photoshoot cute moments.
0:22-0:24 : Joe- Demi Lovato was actually SO good:D (LOL)
0:24-0:26 : Demi says nice things about the Jonas Brothers (:
0:36-0:43 : Demi falls , Joe & Demi laugh (:
0:44-0:46 : Wonder why Demi and Joe are ALWAYS next to each other in photos?
0:47-1:02 : Joe is Demi's hair stylist!!
1:03-1:04 : Joe & Demi kiss ON THE CHEEK. ):
1:04-1:15 : They rap, enjoying themselves (:
1:15-1:29 : They give each other a big hug after shooting a scene from Camp Rock.
1:30-1:39 : Joe randomly gives Demi a big hug during a photo shoot. (: AW!
1:40-1:50 : Joe tells Demi some jokes while the director keeps telling them to focus and be serious. (:
1:52-2:04 : iPhone fun! Joe has his arms around Demi, and they seem happy, but Joe is kind of pissed at the cameras for taking Demi's attention away from him.
2:05-2:10 : They do the splits! (:
2:10-2:18 : They are BOTH great dancers (: hehe
2:19-2:33 : Body Bump!! (:
2:33-2:44 : Reading their lines off Joe's shirt (:
2:45-2:49 : Joe & Demi never kissed in Camp Rock? WTF!
2:50-3:01 : Demi & Joe play the guitar .
3:04-3:07 : Demi goes for a high-five but Joe hugs her instead and Demi says Joe is awesome (;
3:12-3:14 : Camp Rock blooper .
3:14-3:17 : Joe actually hugs another girl (i don't know who)and then Demi gets jealous so she runs over to him and hugs him. :] that's supposed to be the full video.
3:17-3:22 : Hug AGAIN!
3:22-3:26 : and Again.
3:26-3:37 : Another hug & they sing to each other at a concert.

Let's just hope that they are together,
because we've kind of got evidence :P
No mean comments; Jonas, Lovato, Disney or Jemi haters.
Ciao (:



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