Whiteout Survival - The Labyrinth | The Land of the Brave Section

Описание к видео Whiteout Survival - The Labyrinth | The Land of the Brave Section

Hi, everyone!

This video is about The Labyrinth Feature.
The Labyrinth is a new feature in Whiteout Survival. It becomes available on the Monday of the 4th week after the server opens, requiring a Furnace Level of 19 and a Command Center Level of 1. The opening time of each section is determined by your Furnace Level and the server's opening date. you can check which sections and exploration stages are available.

The Labyrinth consists of six sections. Land of the Brave, Cave of Monsters, Glowstone Mine, Earthlab, Dark Forge, Gaia Heart.

If you have any questions about gameplay, tips, tricks, or events, feel free to leave a comment below.

Happy watching! :)

#whiteoutsurvival #whiteoutgaming #TheLabyrinth
#LandofTheBrave #whiteoutsurvivaltips #whiteoutsurvivalindonesia

The Labyrinth Video :
Cave of Monster & Glowstone Mine Section :    • Whiteout Survival - The Labyrinth | T...  
Earthlab & Dark Forge Section :    • Whiteout Survival - The Labyrinth | E...  
Gaia Heart Section :    • Whiteout Survival - The Labyrinth | G...  


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