Average HECU Baker | Random Hidden Black Mesa Sound File

Описание к видео Average HECU Baker | Random Hidden Black Mesa Sound File

So this is a fun one. I was just simply going through Black Mesa’s music files because I like music and I stumbled upon an innocent folder titled “utow.” Naturally I clicked on it not knowing what to expect. I am then greeted by a lowly folder with the name of “utow_ts_ar1.” Only to be greeted by this absolute gem of an audio file.

This obviously doesn’t show up in any place in the game and it appears to be a random joke sound file. After doing some research, I don’t believe that this has been shared around the internet very much. The one major place I couldn’t check were the Discord servers associated with Black Mesa and Crowbar Collective. If anyone has any information or ability to find another place to find this I am welcome to that.

Credit goes to Black Mesa, Crowbar Collective, Michael Tsarouhas as the HECU voice actor, and I am not sure who the person ‘censoring’ the speech is, it could be Kevin Sisk but I don’t think it is. The thumbnail is from a Garry’s Mod VoiceSets listing:


Btw go play Black Mesa


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