AMORC: The World's Oldest Fraternity

Описание к видео AMORC: The World's Oldest Fraternity

AMORC: The World's Oldest Fraternity

AMORC is one of several mystical orders which hold much interest to esoteric enthusiasts. A member of AMORC taught me the "Salutation to the Dawn," for which I remain grateful. However, the video makes some bold claims regarding the origins of the order. Supposed past members of the order were Akhenaten and Solon! The order appears to have religious overtones and perhaps too much confidence in their own mystical and historical constructs. Many occultists appreciate mystical experimentation and theory, but do not rely on larger belief systems to prematurely tie together phenomena in an orderly way. With that said, I find AMORC to be similar to a few Christian mystical traditions I've encountered. Their (AMORC & PX mystics) publications make some very good reading and food for thought.

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