4 Signs of a Stirred Faith // Dylan Bone

Описание к видео 4 Signs of a Stirred Faith // Dylan Bone

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0:00 Introduction
06:13 1. A Stirred Faith is Noticed by Others
13:50 2. A Stirred Faith Proclaims Jesus
20:34 3. A Stirred Faith is Bold
28:35 3. A Stirred Faith Seeks God’s Help

At QSBC, we exist to gather people together, build them up for service and send them out with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

He binds us together in fellowship;
He brings us together for worship;
He builds us up for service;
He sends us out with the Good News of Jesus.
“Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to Your Name give glory!" — Psalm 115:1


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