PDP-8/V Sequencer Board pt 4

Описание к видео PDP-8/V Sequencer Board pt 4

Using the paddles to test the Sequencer Board for the first time.

Notes that go along with the video:
https://www.outerworldapps.com/pdp8v/ seq_yt_pt4_notes.txt
(enter those two parts as one url without the spaces)

Board test program screenshot:
https://www.outerworldapps.com/pdp8v/ seq_yt_err1.png
(enter those two parts as one url without the spaces)

Get partway through tracing a bad signal. Part 5 continues the debugging

Reference in the video to source file - holds boolean equations for the gates:
https://github.com/mrieker/pdp8v/ blob/github/modules/seq.mod
(enter those two parts as one url without the spaces)

...and the report file - shows where the tubes and diodes are for each gate:
https://www.outerworldapps.com/pdp8v/ seq.rep.txt
(enter those two parts as one url without the spaces)


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