Hip 痛由盤骨高低歪斜引起 I 幾招鍛練修正 - 脊醫王鳳恩 (中/Eng Sub) Uneven Pelvis, exercises to stretch - Dr. Matty Wong DC

Описание к видео Hip 痛由盤骨高低歪斜引起 I 幾招鍛練修正 - 脊醫王鳳恩 (中/Eng Sub) Uneven Pelvis, exercises to stretch - Dr. Matty Wong DC

今天我想跟大家說骶髂骨關節引起的髖關節痛. 我們瞭解下骶髂骨關節在哪裡吧. 這是我們的髂骨, 這是我們的骶骨, 整個就是我們的盤骨在髂骨邊這個位置就是我們髖關節, 是連接我們盤骨那個位置這是髖關節的位置. 這個骶髂骨關節 很容易因為我們有些姿勢不正確 或是我們腰部肌肉太過勞損也會引起這個關節位扣實了的...

Today I will talk about hip joint pain caused by the SI joint. Let's understand where is SI joint. This is our pelvic bone and this is our sacrum. And the whole thing is pelvis. Next to the pelvic bone is our hip joint, our leg connect to the pelvic thru here. This is the location of the hip joint. The SI joint problem can be caused by incorrect posture or overstrained muscles in lower back. It can cause this joint to be locked....

#脊醫王鳳恩 #drmattywong #chiropractor #drwong #drmatty #sijoint #sijointpain #盤骨高低 #骶髂骨關節 #髖關節痛 #hippain #hippainrelief #hippaintreatment

Medical Center: www.excelmedicalgroup.com
MRI scanning: www.accurate-mri.com
Dr Matty Wong website: www.drmattywong.com
Collagen Supplement: www.drdisc.co

香港中環干諾道中13-14號歐陸貿易中心18樓 (港鐵中環站A出口中環環球大廈旁)歡迎查詢及預約:+852 2804 6813
18 Floor, Euro Trade Center, 13-14 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong (next to World Wide House, Exit A, MTR Central Station)
#BodyPerformance - StretchTrainer Bruce


Disclaimer: The content and information provided on this video is for reference only and does not replace medical assessment or professional treatment. Please consult registered chiropractor or registered medical doctor for inquiry


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