Power On + Power Off Stalls - Aborted Takeoffs - Pattern Work OH MY! | PPL Flight Training IRL

Описание к видео Power On + Power Off Stalls - Aborted Takeoffs - Pattern Work OH MY! | PPL Flight Training IRL

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. We back from another flight lesson with student pilot David, who is working toward his private pilot license. We've come a long way documenting this aviation training series. He's really understanding the flight lessons and picking up on the piloting techniques. Soon enough it'll be his first solo, and we have some things to go over before that time.

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0:00 | Intro
So as you see there, today we’re going to get out of the pattern and reemphasize angle of attack, stalls, stall recovery, go arounds, and so on. Because David is getting so close to solo, I really want this to be drilled home for him. Plus, it’ll only help him in finally getting those landings down.

2:55 | Power On — Takeoff & Departure Stall
I do my stalls in a series. The configuration for all the slow flight and stall maneuvers start with the same power setting (1600 in this case) and carb heat. Maintain altitude, and we slow down. First, we do a Power On — Takeoff & Departure Stall.

8:40 | Power Off — Approach & Landing Stall
David and I have a quick discussion on why a power off, approach to landing stall may be easier. Because we aren’t getting the left turning tendencies we were getting in a low airspeed, high power situation, things are a bit more mellow. But we still need to learn how to recover from the stall.

11:43 | The Other Senses of Stall
A new student pilot only has so many hours in which to learn stick and rudder skills. Believe it or not, the 5 senses are a huge part of that ‘hand in glove’ type flying. We aren’t being driven by the airplane. Rather, we should be one with it, relying on all of our senses to get the big picture.

13:33 | Back in the Pattern
Now we’re going to bring everything back to the pattern again, and see how those stall exercises helped with David’s landings.

18:48 | Abort Takeoff Before Rotation
Now we’ll talk about an aborted takeoff. If for whatever reason David needs to do this on his own when soloing, I want him to have some experience doing it.

23:23 | Abort Takeoff After Rotation
What happens if you’ve already lifted off and need to abort your takeoff? Here’s what you need to do.

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