Our God Is Here - Sis. Grace Howe

Описание к видео Our God Is Here - Sis. Grace Howe

"Our God Is Here"
By Sis. Grace Howe
Recorded live at Mizpeh Tabernacle on Wednesday, 22nd May 2024

In these darkest of times, you can reach out to him,
In those trying moments, when the future looks grim
That's when you can call Him on the scene and that's when He'll see you through
That's when He'll speak so clear, "Fear not, I Jesus Is here"
All that you're praying for All that you're trusting for Whatever you need of Him
Our God is here
All that you're thirsting for, You just believe once more
He'll hear when you call on Him, Yes, our God Is here!
If you'd only trust in Him, He'll supply your need
If you'd only just believe in Him, Your sickness He will heal (And) When you're weak
He will take your hand
If you falter, He'll help you stand So just reach out to Him For Jesus is here!
Our prophet believed in Him, He found Him faithful and true And what He did back yesterday, He'll do the same for you today Our God never disappoints,
So cast down
All your fears and doubts
On your stormy seas come walking out
For Jesus is here!
In your sickness
In your weakness
Just believe!
He paid the price on Calvary!
Your enemy has been nailed to that tree! Jesus is here!
No fear, no doubt, no unbelief!
No circumstance, no retreat! Jehovah God is our victory!
Only Believe!
Jesus is here!


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