Digital Form-Finding of Timber Post-formed Gridshell

Описание к видео Digital Form-Finding of Timber Post-formed Gridshell
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Timber Gridshell Pavillion in the courtyard of Naples Faculty of Architecture.
The structure is the final outcome of THE Master's degree thesis:"Digital Form-Finding of Timber Post-formed Gridshell"

Authors: Andrea Fiore,Daniele Lancia
Advisors : Prof.Sergio Pone with PhD. Sofia Colabella, PhD. Bianca Parenti, Arch. Bernardino D'amico, Prof. Francesco Portioli

The main topic of THE thesis is the development of a digital form-finding gridshell design tool, by a real time simulation of THE material system's behavior as well as the kinematic construction process, which consists in the bending of an initial flat grid to reach the final resistent shape.

Tool used:

Structure fetures:
planar grid area 169m^2
covered area 96m^2

Tesi di laurea dell'Università di Architettura di Napoli Federico II
Messa a punto di un tool digitale per la progettazione di gridshell post formate in legno
tramite l'uso di Grasshopper Kangaroo e Karamba

Studenti: Andrea Fiore e Daniele Lancia

Relatore: Prof. Sergio Pone

Correlatori: Arch.Sofia Colabella , Arch.Bianca Parenti, Arch.Bernardino D'amico, Ing. Francesco Portioli, Ing. Agostino Presutti

Partner fornitura materiali Forest Legnami

Si ringrazia per la assidua e calorosa partecipazione (in ordine sparso): Davide Ercolano,Ileana Lupica, Ludovica La Rocca, Lucia Giudice, Gabriele Mirra, Andrea Mazza, Eduardo Pignatelli, Simona Forte, Isabel Albertini, Mariano Cigliano, Else Caggiano, David Romano


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