Alienware M15R6 Changing Thermal Paste

Описание к видео Alienware M15R6 Changing Thermal Paste

So just a long video of my changing the thermal paste and some of the thermal pads for my Alienware M15R6. Its long and boring, enjoy.

Note: the thermal pads I was using was having issues since they were too hard and wasn't transferring heat properly for the gpu, so I recommend not changing the pads, or get one that has a much lower hardness level.

I have since done another repaste with Honeywell TPM 7950 (2 layers on CPU, and 1 layer on GPU) and arctic thermal pads which are much softer, and temps were much better by around 10c. Tried with 1 layer on CPU but found that some cores were running way hotter than the others. GPU mainly stays around 75-80 and not throttling at 87 like before. You won't see major gains for first few days of using the honeywell 7950, but these pads get better over time. It has to run a few paste-solid (turns into paste at above 40c) cycles before it gets good. Paired with a good fan and your temps should rarely hit the level that would make it throttle.

I went a step further and limited my CPU frequency a bit, and now my CPU won't go above 85, GPU around 70, with minimal hit in performance.

00:10 - Removing under cover
01:55 - Unplug battery cable
02:10 - Removing back cover
04:44 - Removing battery
06:10 - Disconnecting ribbon cables
08:42 - Removing wifi/bluetooth card
09:54 - Removing ssd m.2
13:33 - Removing remaining screws and lifting gpu/cpu board
16:32 - Removing heatsink
19:21 - Cleaning off old thermal paste
27:21 - Replacing some thermal pads
34:17 - Applying new thermal paste
34:42 - Reinstalling heatsink (screw in correct order)
37:53 - Putting laptop back together
54:54 - Test power on


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