How to do a Navigation warning correction on ECDIS

Описание к видео How to do a Navigation warning correction on ECDIS

Which Nav warnings to plot on ENCs

We all know how to deal with nav warnings on paper charts. While the principle of handling the nav warnings remains the same, plotting the nav warnings on ENCs is somewhat different.

The first thing that we need to address is which nav area warnings we need to plot on ECDIS ?

On paper charts it is different matter all together. Oil majors expects us to plot nav warnings on the voyage charts even if the nav warning is 200 miles away from our planned course. But on ECDIS all the ENCs are seamless. We dont change the chart manually like we do for paper chart. So how do we decide, which nav warning we need to plot.

Well we dont plot the nav warnings just to keep PSC or oil major inspectors happy. We plot the nav warnings to ensure that vessel is always sailing in safe areas.

Keeping this outcome in mind, we should decide upon a maximum distance from our planned course below which any nav warning need to plotted.

In fact, I strongly believe that company should set this distance as guidelines in Navigation guidelines for plotting nav warnings on ECDIS

We have to try to not clutter the ENC.

The information should be readily available and should not require too many clicks by the OOW to view nav warning.

The information should be clear on all the ENC scales the nav warning is applicable.

By adding a text near to the buoy or

By adding an information mark near to the buoy

PKO( Practical Knowledge Onboard)
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