The Mating Dance of the Wandering Albatross

Описание к видео The Mating Dance of the Wandering Albatross

The complex and spectacular nuptial display (‘mating dance’) of the Wandering Albatross (Diomedea exulans), also known as "sky calling".

When courting, the male Wandering Albatross will spread his wings, wave his head around, and rap his bills against that of the female while making a braying noise. The pair will mate for life, breeding every 2 years. Mating season starts in early November with the Albatrosses creating nests of mud and grass on Sub-Antarctic islands.

This video was shot in the Prince Edward Islands on the 26th of December 2016 in close proximity to the South African research station on Marion Island during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition.


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