Kung Fu Basic training 10 10 2014

Описание к видео Kung Fu Basic training 10 10 2014

Nederlandse Wushu Academie Xia Quan 俠家拳 Lesson 10 10 2014 (Kung Fu Basic training)

Xia Quan (Hap/Hop Gar) Kung Fu;
Nederlandse Wushu Academie Xia Quan for Traditional Kung Fu, Tai Chi, lion dancing, dragon dancing, events, workshop
#hopgar #hapkyun #xiaquan #wushu #俠家 #俠家拳 #洪家 #洪拳 #白鶴派 #喇嘛派 #hongkyun #honggar

Sifu(Master) Kong Fan Wei is born and raised in China. Already at a young age, 16 times he won prizes as a member of the Canton national Wushu team at several Wushu championships. Among those were the Canton championship hand- and weapon form, and also the first ‘Free-Fighting’ championship between China and a foreign country.
In China sifu Kong was trainer of the Canton China Sports committee, adviser, and competition team leader of the “Xia Quan Kung Fu Institute”. He was a teacher at the Nan Yue Wushu Academy. He is a member of the Canton China Wushu Federation and has been appointed as honorary trainer of the Canton China Sports committee.
Further, he has featured in several Kung Fu movies as an actor and had a position as Wushu adviser. For about two years he has trained the police in China in different techniques, especially for undercover purposes.
Also in the Netherlands, he remains active. He founded the Netherlands Wushu Academy, which is associated with the Chinese Wushu Federation Xia Quan. This foundation is officially recognized as the Dutch representative of the Xia Quan Institute.
Sifu Kong’s qualities as a grand-master brought about, amongst other things, that within a short period of time a number of students have won various prizes at national and international competitions, under which several first prizes.

孔藩偉荷蘭俠拳武術學院"洪拳 俠拳 太極拳";功夫/武術, 散打/全接觸自由搏擊, 泰拳, 太極, 氣功, 辦公室課程, 武術太極醒獅表演.

孔藩偉師父 自六十年代起 緊隨武學大師鄧錦濤(1902~1987) 及其子鄧鎮江,為其得意門生。
浸淫 俠家拳,洪拳,太極拳餘五十餘載。
1979 ~ 1987中國廣州“南粵功夫學校”教練
1980 廣州武術協會會員
1982 ~1985 電影武打演員
1982 中共建國首屆對外自由摶擊擂台大賽:優勝獎
1983 廣州短兵器第一
1983 廣州南拳第一

荷蘭俠拳武術學院學生, 歷屆全荷武術賽:


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