O-Video 61: SUSO Club Championship, 20.10.2024

Описание к видео O-Video 61: SUSO Club Championship, 20.10.2024

Map: https://www.olc-graz.at/doma/show_map...
Results: https://www.oefol.at/anne/files/uploa...

My previous Hero 11 Mini died after the hot Bubo-Cup in Croatia. This is the first run with a new Hero 11 Mini, which already died after 16 minutes. Both Minis have gone back to the seller, hopefully the Hero 11 (non-Mini) will be more reliable.

Trivia: I unintentionally skipped the 16th control. In the finish I learned that 16th was misplaced and therefore legs 15-16 and 16-17 were removed from total running times. In my case the organizers forgot to remove the time between 15th and 17th. Anyway, I see my true result as "disqualified because of a missing punch"...


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